August 2022 – Date Pending

Grass Strip Runway Event

Leesburg Airport → Summit Point, WV


Aero Elite students and PPL holders


20 participants



About this event

Taking off and landing on a grass runway is an important skill that is too often practiced only in theory! We’re going to take 20 Aero Elite students to a grass strip airport for a day practicing on the real deal. There’s going to be plenty of food and fun!

We are aiming to have this event in the late spring/early summer and we’re working out the details and logistics. If you’re a pilot/student interested in attending, add your email in the form to be notified when we post more information.

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Where will the training take place?

Most likely we will depart from the Aero Elite location in Leesburg, VA. We will fly to a private grass strip runway in Summit Point, WV.

How many takeoffs and landings will I get to do?

We aim to give each student pilot several attempts at takeoffs and landings.

How much does the event cost?

The exact cost is being determined and we will post it as soon as we decide on a reasonable amount that covers the cost of aircraft rental, fuel, and instructors’ time.

Is the cost of renting an airplane included?

Yes, rental costs will be included in the price.

Can I fly by myself?

No, you must fly with an Aero Elite instructor.

Departing: Leesburg Airport

Leesburg, VA

Destination: Grass Strip Runway

Summit Point, WV